Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Modern Tribute to Agatha Christie

One of my children is reading And Then There Were None, the Agatha Christie novel that explores one man's sense of karmic justice. But that novel was set in the past, so here's a modern day version:

Ten little idiots feeling just fine,
A computer erased one, and then there were nine

Nine little idiots thought they were great,
A Prada stomped on one, and then there were eight

Eight little idiots thinking of Heaven,
A rosary strangled one and then there were seven

Seven little idiots with problems to fix,
A camera stole one's soul, and then there were six

Six little idiots spreading some jive,
One OD'ed on Rogaine, and then there were five

Five little idiots all keeping score,
A sandwich board squashed one, and then there were four

Four little idiots off on a spree,
One got deleted, and then there were three

Three little idiots stirring the stew,
It got too hot, and then there were two

Two little idiots thinking it's fun,
They lost the game, and then there was one

One little idiot starting to cry,
Shook off the dust and then said goodbye.

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