Thursday, May 20, 2010

shake, rattle, and roll

My hands shake, my heart rattles around in my chest, my stomach rolls. Add to that sweating and ear ringing.....and what exactly is that? This has happened quite a few times over the past several days, and I was wondering. Lithium toxicity, low sugar? But then I remembered. It had been awhile, but I remember. That's what it looks like when I have an anxiety attack. I don't pant or thrash or pass out. I shake, get disoriented, my heart pounds, I sweat, I get this "fight or flight" impulse, and I feel nauseous. I also feel a strange claustrophobia. It isn't because I am in a confined space; it is because I have no space, when there seem to be all sorts of faces just inches from mine. No, I am not hallucinating, I am just surrounded by a group of people whose sense of personal space isn't quite refined.

Add to the above paragraph a throbbing headache that hasn't abated since Monday, and I am caving to my body, brain, and fragile spirit's own pressure today.

Maybe I need to hire a posse and some peeps :)

1 comment:

  1. I despise being around the personal-space "clueless". I call this feeling that you describe the "heebie-jeebies".
